Awaken Self Compassion!

4 week open to all course - starts Feb 27th 2025

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Image credits: 1. Jordon Wozniak Unsplash. 2. Colette Cameron. 3. Peter Gill
“Can you imagine if you really let it in that you are not a problem to be solved in any way?” Adyashanti
Maybe you find it hard to be kind to yourself? or perhaps struggle with inner criticism and perfectionism. Or perhaps self care eludes you? Or maybe you believe it’s selfish to love oneself? and yet…each and every one of us has the capacity for self compassion, to become a listener and ally to every aspect and parts of us. To relate to ourselves from our deepest source - love.

This open to all course will take a deep dive into Self Compassion, using key teachings from Focusing as our guide. We will explore why it’s so hard to access this. We will learn practical tools to foster and grow self compassion in everyday life. We will learn about and meet the parts of us that make it hard to feel this...and we will open to the mystery of who is it that is being compassionate? Who are we in our deepest essence? and will explore all of this territory through experiential guided processes, self reflection and heart centred discussion.

On this course we will

  • Learn how to cultivate self compassion in a direct and lasting way
  • Explore what makes it hard for us?
  • Learn how to meet all parts of ourselves with curiosity
  • Learn how to meet our inner critics and parts that feels worthless
  • Explore the mystery of self compassion - who is that?
Who is this course for?

  • Anyone who struggles with feeling self critical
  • Anyone who finds it hard to love yourself
  • Anyone who wants to discover practical ways to be kinder to oneself (and others)

The course will not include partnership practice. The themes will be explored through guided Focusing exercises.

You are able to book of the course and listen in later but you will of course miss out on some aspects of the process.

The course will be recorded for sharing later on as an on demand video course.
Begins Feb 27th 2025
Four Thursday Mornings

Online through zoom
Booking and more information.

Cost: £85/50 - concessions available

These workshops have a minimum number to take place (see booking conditions for more information) Contact me for to pay by transfer

Frequently asked questions about this course

How many people attend?
Usually somewhere between 6 and 20 people.
Do you offer concessions?
Yes, please do get in touch with me to ask about concessions. I do not have a specific rate - it is worked out individually with you.
Will the course be recorded if I miss a session?
Yes, as this course will become an on-demand course.
Can I miss a week?
Yes, I can send you the handouts and recording from any missed sessions.

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