"The body in its infinite wisdom, knows its way back to wholeness"

"The body in its infinite wisdom, knows its way back to wholeness"

Welcome to Living Focusing, my website and blog about Focusing, inner wisdom, embodied knowing and more..

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My new book "The Way of Curiosity" OUT NOW!
THE WAY OF CURIOSITY is a practical and inspirational guide to accessing the wisdom of the body and opening the door to radical change and self compassion. Based on the foundational work of Eugene Gendlin, who developed the transformational practice called Focusing, this new guide is for both seeker and practitioner; for anyone looking for a practise that will create lasting change in their personal and/or professional life.

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NEW COURSE: Begins 27th January 2025

Focusing on the Good (with Ann Weiser Cornell)

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If you want a free taste of what I offer

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If you are looking for events or sessions for beginners, see:

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    Peter’s seemingly light-touch and enabling facilitator style drew on his own deep immersion in Focusing. I found it deft, sensitive and encouraging
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    Your way of working, which felt very safe and grounded - along the Focusing style which avoids analyzing, so refreshing!! The course was a brilliant introduction to Focusing, with lots of space for practice in pairs. Peter\’s non-judgmental attitude made it very easy to ask questions and simply having a go at Focusing
    CT. Therapist
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    The introductory course provided me with a very clear framework for understanding and practicing Focusing. Most impressive perhaps being the experiential depth achieved on the course - largely through dyad practice - despite it being online; a tribute to the power of Focusing and Peter's clarity as a guide!
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    For me, focusing has felt like one of those occasional treats in life when something new transforms the world from within. Peter's calm, safe and clear style, together with his passion for the practice, awaken a kind curiosity to delve into one's inner reality and benefit from the wisdom uncovered
    LT, Quigong Teacher
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    I enjoyed the workshops with Peter and gained a lot. He has a gentle inclusive and totally non judgemental style mixed with humour that makes him both an excellent facilitator and also an inspiring exponent of the work. Focusing is a process of tuning into what's happening, listening in to your own body wisdom and making changes.
    Hilary Farmer, psychotherapist
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    Focusing is my strongest tool in the box to pull out and use when needed. Whether I'm having a manic high or a crushing low, the practical guidance of Focusing and it's core belief of self compassion is a treasured method to me. Focusing is not something you can easily explain to anyone, it needs to be experienced. You don't require a reason or any life qualification, just a self invitation to explore the felt sense of where you are in present moment.
    Sue Donald, Bookkeeper
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    "I like focusing because it honours my sense of what is right, my pacing and my wisdom - it doesn't try to impose ideas or hurry me." "I like focusing because it reflects my own intuitive sense that 'the answers' I'm looking for lie in my body and not in my mind and that life involves an on-going unfolding and discovery of who we are. I have really enjoyed Peter's workshops. The always seem very relaxed and unhurried but by the end I have really gone places and learnt loads. I have a sense that he deeply understands and honours what focusing is about and is able to communicate it in a very sensitive and clear way"
    Joy McKeith, Consultant
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    I can warmly recommend focusing with Peter for anybody that is ready to be with themselves in a more connected, integrated way, and who would like some support in doing so. He helped create a safe and experimental environment to explore the feelings and sensations in the body, and did so with openness and generosity. It was a pleasure to work with him."
    Millie Baker, London
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    The content was amazing!
    S.W Untangling the knots course
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    Peter is someone who really lives what he teaches. His approach is gentle, clear and informative. In addition I greatly appreciated Peter´s structured and clear presentation of the topics, the breaking out into groups with clearly defined roles and time frames - all filled my need for clarity and structure.
    Pauline. Coach

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