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Befriending the inner critic
June 12th 7-8pm BST
Do you struggle with harsh inner critics, self - judging and comparing?

This free seminar 60 minute online will share tools from Focusing to help us to meet and befriend our inner critic. We will discover how the inner critic comes into being, what it wants and how to befriend it. Surprisingly, we will also discover that there is also great treasure to be found here. We will explore:

  • What is this thing we call the inner critic?
  • Why pushing it away doesn't work
  • and How to befriend it!

Four week course begins on 19th June

REGISTER TO RECEIVE 20% off the above course
I don't have any forthcoming free events right now, but keep en eye out here or sign up for my newsletter to receive news and updates. Meanwhile feel free to listen into recordings from previous seminars.

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