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You are enough!
Awakening self worth and self compassion
October 22nd 8-9pm BST
This free sixty minute seminar will explore this whole territory of ‘Not good enough” Maybe you always feel not good enough in some way, or struggle with the painful feelings of worthlessness. Maybe you struggle with perfectionism? or always comparing yourself to others? This free seminar will explore how the practice of Focusing can help us to:

  • Meet all parts of ourselves with compassion and curiosity
  • Meet our inner critics and judges
  • Be with anything that feels worthless or not enough...

And we will discover perhaps that there is nothing wrong with you after all!

Followed by an open to all course beginning Nov 5th
I don't have any forthcoming free events right now, but keep en eye out here or sign up for my newsletter to receive news and updates. Meanwhile feel free to listen into recordings from previous seminars.

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